Women's Art Crit Salon
7:00 PM19:00

Women's Art Crit Salon

This up-coming Tuesday, I'll be one of six female-identifying artists to present work at this innovative art salon event.

"Women's Art Crit Salon sponsored by the Northern California Women's Caucus for Art (NCWCA)) creates a space for female-identifying artists to share their work and get feedback on their practice. The event provides a diverse, open and constructive environment as well as an opportunity for all involved to see and learn from a wide range of practices and perspectives. Crit sessions are 1.5 hours long and give 6 artists 15 minutes each to present work." 

"Everyone is invited to attend and join the discussion (professional artists, current and prospective art students, graduates, self-taught artists and  anyone with an interest in art). The event is free to attend but NCWCA welcomes donations at the door to support  operating costs. PLEASE RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/womens-art-crit-salon-tickets-56724055176. "

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